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Dolar Does it in Turin; Severa Slays in DC


Hour of Devastation Standard is nearing its end. In a few short weeks, both Battle for Zendikar Block and Shadows over Innistrad Block will be retired from the format and make way for Ixalan. In the interim, however, the current Standard continues to evolve, giving us one of the more dynamic formats in recent memory. This aging Standard was on display in both Turin and Washington D.C. this past weekend.

At Grand Prix Turin, Robin Dolar triumphed with his Blue-Black Control deck. Dolar used the power of The Scarab God to overtake Leon Van Der Linden and his old stalwart Mardu Vehicles.

Across the Atlantic Grand Prix DC continued to showcase the variety present in Standard. Corey Baumeister made his third Grand Prix Top 8 in Standard in three Standard Grand Prix with three different decks. However he fell in the Semifinals for the second week in a row. While Mardu Vehicles couldn't get the job done in Turin, in America's capital it did just fine in the hands of Matt Severa who used the deck to defeat Collins Mullen's Green-White Ramp.

Ixalan is now available for Preorder! Pick up sealed product and singles as they're posted!

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