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Vorthos Deck Building – Rakdos Commander


Welcome back to Vorthos Wednesday. We may have taken a break the past couple of weeks for more general topics, but we can never stay away from the flavor for too long.

We’re returning with a vengeance. Today, I’ll be revisiting Vorthos deck-building, an idea I first presented just over three months ago, and one I received a ton of great feedback on. I took advice and opinions and threw it all into a giant blender with the initial idea. The result is, I’m happy to say, chaotic. So sit back, relax, and enjoy the painful taste of Rakdos! (Blood flavors not included.)

The Cult of Rakdos

"Steer clear of these senseless riot-fiends. The Rakdos are like a party to which all of your body parts might not be invited." – Izzet research notes on the Cult of Rakdos

While Rakdos—the namesake and master of the guild—is a cruel and monstrous demon, the majority of the Rakdos just want to have fun. It just so happens that their idea of fun involves a lot of pain, blood splatter, and death.

A lot of the feedback I received last time around was that I stayed too true to the story and that the decks presented were weak because of that. Today, I’m approaching Rakdos thematically rather than literally. My goal is not to have every piece belong as a part of Rakdos, but instead, to have the overall deck give off the feeling of hedonism and debauchery.

The Commander

Kaervek the Merciless
There aren’t a lot of options when it comes to finding a decent commander for Rakdos colors. There are fifteen possible options, but at least a third of them aren’t really viable due to incredibly high mana costs without much power. I quickly narrowed things down to three reasonable options: Kaervek the Merciless, Lyzolda, the Blood Witch, and Rakdos the Defiler.

Strangely enough, Rakdos himself doesn’t feel like a great fit. He’s powerful, no doubt about that, but building around Demons seems fairly narrow, and Rakdos’s ranks are filled with a lot more than those pesky Angel killers. Kaervek seems like a lot of fun in multiplayer, allowing you to help or punish your opponents as you please. Yet, his ability still doesn’t hit the right note for Rakdos. In addition, I’m hoping for something with a lower casting cost. It doesn’t have to be cheap, but I want to make sure to see my commander more than once or twice a game. Lyzolda gets things right where the other two fail, so let’s choose her and begin building.

The Supporting Cast

Avatar of Slaughter
As with any commander, I have two big options in building the deck: build around the commander or just use her abilities as a bonus. I’ll mostly build around her, but I don’t want to push her too hard. I’m going for the essence of Rakdos with the deck, not just one aspect of the guild. As you’ll see, that leads to a bit of a haphazard collection of effects and abilities. A great result for a guild without much of a plan (beyond enjoying themselves).

Ad Nauseam I need to actually test the deck to know if this card pulls its weight, but the flavor is so yummy it had to make the initial cut.

Avatar of Slaughter Rakdos recruits aren’t ones to wait around. They’re also more likely to do damage others wouldn’t normally commit thanks to rational thought. This guy gets all of your creatures into the spirit of Rakdos.

Blood Artist Not only does this guy sound like a Rakdos member already, but his ability plays very nicely with what we’re trying to do. Falkenrath Noble might fit better in this slot with the bigger body, but it just doesn’t come with the flavor.

Bloodgift Demon Pretty much anything with “blood” in its name fits well.

Braid of Fire It’s one of the few cards picked solely for its abilities, but I’m a bit worried about acceleration in this deck. Neither color is well known for it, but we have a lot of things we want to be doing every single turn.

Decree of Pain
Carnage Altar You mean I don’t have to always have Lyzolda out or have a black creature around to draw cards? The name is just icing on the cake.

Coffin Queen I originally had Recurring Nightmare in this slot, as I wanted one good source of renewable recursion. Luckily, my editor (thanks, Andrew!) nudged me softly and spoke the word, “Banned.” While this deck isn’t attempting to do ridiculous things with the card, I am trying to give you one hundred cards you can take anywhere. Thus, Coffin Queen makes the cut.

Decree of Pain This is one of the few wraths in the deck—and perhaps more flavorful if it were a Blasphemous Act—but this deck really wants card-draw to keep itself fueled. We can also interpret this as a “decree of sport” for Rakdos members, which would be interpreted as pain by others. (Stretching too much?)

Demonic Tutor Tutors always give a deck extra power. Vampiric Tutor is perhaps more flavorful via game mechanics, but with a demon leading the guild, I’ll choose the original tutor over it.

Fulminator Mage Here’s a great example of picking bodies with needed abilities over a (possibly) cheaper spell. We like bodies in this deck, especially multicolored ones. Moriok Replica is another similar pick without the color bonus.

Grave Pact You cannot have a Commander deck with sacrifice abilities and not include this card. Sadly, there’s not a whole lot of specific flavor.

Hellkite Charger
Havoc Festival One of the new cards that made me lean toward Rakdos, this card is a beater. Combine that with a healthy dose of early creatures and some reach, and you just might win the game. The deck originally had a number of similar enchantments, but Sulfuric Vortex is the only other that made the final cut.

Hellkite Charger Hellkite Charger and World at War are included to show the Rakdos’s love for prolonging pleasure. Why swing once with your hammer when you can swing multiple times? Aggravated Assault is more flavorful, but I don’t want all methods to be permanents and thus removable.

Infernal Tribute I can just picture Rakdos recruits offering up limbs and other tasty morsels to Rakdos himself.

Kathari Bomber This is one of only two token makers that makes the cut. Tokens work great with Lyzolda, but that’s not Rakdos’s style. They want to experience the pleasure and pain themselves—not through a copy.

Mikaeus, the Unhallowed Probably one of the first cuts I would make if I were to add more flavor, Mikaeus is extremely powerful in this deck. Combine him with Murderous Redcap or Puppeteer Clique for craziness.

Pawn of Ulamog
Pawn of Ulamog He’s a more subtle source of ramping. While the world setting is off, the overall feel of the card could be Rakdos.

Red Sun's Zenith I enjoy the flavor of this and Black Sun's Zenith. If only Ravnica had multiple suns.

Rix Maadi Guildmage This is the other big inclusion from Return to Ravnica. This is a much better fit mechanic and flavor-wise than Rakdos Guildmage.

Xathrid Demon Here’s a better Demon even than Rakdos. You shouldn’t have much trouble finding a spare body or two for this guy. If you do, just sac him!

Mountain and Swamp No specific cards identified for this slot this time around, but a true Vorthos would use Mountains and Swamps from either Ravnica block. Just sayin’.

"Rakdos – The Deck"

  • Commander (0)

Cutting Room Floor

Act of Aggression
Let’s take a look at some cards that came close to making the deck but were cut for whatever reason.

Act of Aggression Zealous Conscripts was the only card of this kind that made the deck. Again, bodies are important, and two are better than one.

Ashenmoor Liege It’s a great addition for all of the cheap multicolored creatures, but there just wasn’t room.

Bedlam This is another good flavor card, and it’s probably powerful in the right version of this deck.

Black Market I really liked this, and I would have used it if it were any cheaper than 5.

Dark Confidant Ths is solely here because I know someone will ask. I think it can be made to work flavor-wise, but I don’t think the benefit is worth it.

Deepfire Elemental This is an interesting choice I considered, but both its casting cost and ability were just too expensive.

Deepfire Elemental
Gutless Ghoul Here’s one of the sac outlets that didn’t make the deck. It just felt strange to allow Rakdos to gain life. (I know, I know, I have other life-gain cards in the deck.)

Heartless Hidetsugu This was cut because we already have Havoc Festival.

Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker I really wanted this in the deck, but I just couldn’t justify it. It’s another great card if you modify the deck.

Lifeline This was included until I saw the errata text. I don’t want to help my opponents!

Mindclaw Shaman Something about this card’s flavor rubbed me the wrong way. Otherwise, it’s a powerful card.

Mutilate This is probably the first additional wrath I would consider for the deck. Great flavor!

Onyx Mage This is a card I had in when I initially thought the deck would be chock-full of small creatures. He’s something to consider if you want to go that direction.

Onyx Mage
Pyre Zombie I considered a number of recurring creatures, but they all felt a bit too slow. Reassembling Skeleton would be my first choice if I changed my mind.

Rakdos Augermage Originally in the deck, this card just didn’t fit.

Shivan Gorge This could easily go in the deck, but it just doesn’t have any flavor benefits.

Songs of the Damned Here’s an acceleration spell that goes well with the deck’s theme and flavor. Luckily, there were more permanent options.

Tuktuk the Explorer Here’s a card that would be fun to include. There were a number of cards I had to catch myself on for including just for mechanical benefit. I probably didn’t catch them all. (Darn you, Pikachu!)

Until Next Time

There you have it: a messy masterpiece of riotous revelry. Return to Ravnica has a lot more in store for us, and I’m sure there will be more great cards to throw into this kind of deck. We still have a new version of Rakdos himself! Keep your eyes peeled on GM’s spoiler to see what will be coming at the end of the month. You can also get some good ideas on building your own Rakdos Commander deck in Daryl’s article two weeks ago.

I know a number of people were clamoring for decks other than Commander in my last article. With our return to Ravnica, you can bet I’ll be sure to satisfy those desires in the near future. For now, let me know what you think of this iteration of Vorthos Deck Building. Send me a tweet (@bweisko) or yell at me in the comments below. Even better, take a quick second to answer this poll.

[poll id=201]

Last Week’s Comments

I put out a call for stories about your experiences with different play groups. I was happily surprised to find the majority of them were positive! For your reading pleasure:

Joe Scharphorn wrote:

I heard good things about the offline MtG community before I started going to my old store to play Commander, and that's why I was surprised at the people there. Most didn't bother to learn my name (I was even addressed as 'hey guy with the green bag,' with no follow-up introduction or exchange of names).

Learning someone’s name is incredibly easy. Just look at the pairings!

Tyler McNally wrote:

I agree with you that the problem can be indifference. My local store overall is a great place; the owner would give you the shirt off his back and I've met quite a few people who are very welcoming toward newcomers and are more than willing to teach their favorite games. However, if all you play is Magic, you'd never know it, as quite a few in the community seem to go out of their way to make newcomers feel unwanted . . . I even had someone tell me that if I wasn't willing to spend $200 on a deck for FNM, I shouldn't come back. Needless to say, I took his advice.

What does this have to do with indifference? Because while I ran into my share of jerks, I don't believe they were the majority. However, if everyone else treats community-building as someone else's problem, they might as well be, because they're all I can remember.

Great example, Tyler!

Tommy Sullivan wrote:

I take my kids regularly to play on Saturday evenings at the Fantasy Shop in Florissant, MO. It's just casual, no format restrictions, prizes, or entry fees. Very friendly atmosphere, just people that enjoy playing Magic! Everyone there has been really great with my kids, too; friendly, happy to play with them, happy to help them with their decks, and willing to trade fairly. Nobody there is trying to rip anyone off trade-wise, either. All in all, a very laid-back, kitchen-table kind of atmosphere, and we've been enjoying it very much.

Awesome. If I ever find myself in Missouri, I’m definitely heading to Fantasy Shop.

Finally, I received an extremely long letter from Peter Snoha in Slovokia. I promise. It’s worth the read.

I started to play this year in April, in my late twenties . . . Since then I've been trying to educate myself as much as possible, read all kinds of articles, watch vids etc. Ohh and I’m not from a part of the world behind the flash, so our culture is a bit different, a more friendly environment I guess (I’m from good old Europe—Slovakia—for most readers it’s not Slovenia and yes, we were Czechoslovakia about 20 years ago and yes, our team was in top 8 at Worlds this year). I’m also a very socializing type of a person—not what most people would call a geek, don’t get me wrong I really fancy those nyerks :) I’m just an ordinary guy.

But back to the story . . . you asked in your recent article people to share some experience with you . . . here's my story . . . I had the cards for about 2 years, but before April I had never played competitively. Once my girlfriend and I moved from the capital to a much smaller city I started to explore new opportunities, and very soon I found out that there is a local MTG community . . . I bought some additional booster packs, built my first deck (I would not call it a deck today :)) and one Sunday headed to the local Free-time-activity Centre for the first time, to show some muscles :) . . . I have to admit that as I crossed the door I felt a bit nervous seeing about 10–16 players most of them younger than me, with many cards all around . . . people playing and trading . . . "Peter, what the hell you doing here" blinked in my mind . . . Everybody seemed to be doing their own things and nobody really paid attention to me until I spewed out a first sentence—“Hey guys is this a place where I could play some Magic?” Immediately all eyes were turned upon me and I felt like [I was] in front of a jury. Some smiled some just stared. Thank God this took only few seconds and one of the “jury members” stood up and approached me . . . The guy is currently one of my good friends and the local community leader, and at the same time an official Judge. The first day was awesome and the same goes for the other days spent there.

The story I would like to tell is about our small community, our leader and my experience with Magic. First of all I have to say that this particular person has done quite a lot for the local Magic community and many people might not even realize it . . . Once, a long time ago, there was a much stronger and more experienced community in our city—as I heard from elders. When most of the players moved to bigger cities or just stopped playing he was able to pass the judge exams and driven by passion for MTG, re-built the community, found us a space to play and attracted new players (actually there were two enthusiastic friends, but I don’t know the other guy, cause he is not playing anymore) . . . They registered within the Free-time-activity Centre as kind of a “hobby club”—once a week during the school year they organize 2-hours session for small kids and youngsters to learn how to play Magic (which is far better than spending time on streets or drinking /smoking somewhere . . . ). Most of the time older players support them with some cards they don’t need so the kids can play Magic basically for free, usually twice a week he organizes an event for more experienced players like FNM, Pre-release, Draft, Modern, Game Day etc. where everybody is welcome. Thanks to this guy the local community in our small city is still living and breathing . . . What’s more, he is a precious resource of information and as skilled a player as some of the others.

This community has become my new Magic: The Gathering “home.” Together with local guys I experienced my first bigger tournaments a.k.a. PTQ and maybe a GP soon cause they participate at those events . . . I found out that the MTG community is not a bunch of weirdos like most people might think but a group of a friends we spend time together not only talking and playing MTG but also doing activities such as parties, barbeque, travelling etc. . . . Next week our leader is participating in an event on the streets of the city—we will have an official kiosk there as a part of Free-time-activity Centre to attract more people and “hire” some new players. I’m really glad that I found this community over here, in our small town, with such enthusiastic people with a passion for MTG.

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