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Affinity for Numbers: Standard Deviation


Magic is a game of numbers: sixty cards, 20 life, draw two cards, take 7 damage, and add three counters. There are even more numbers surrounding the game—facts and figures, prices and trivia, they are everywhere. In Affinity for Numbers, I uncover and highlight some of the more interesting numbers in Magic.

4 Things in the Ice

There's a new Standard! Shadows over Innnistrad has given us some new cards, and Star City Games Open Baltimore gives us some fresh decks to talk about. The coolest, in my opinion, is Todd Anderson's U/R Control deck with a full set of Thing in the Ice!

Thing in the Ice
Awoken Horror

Equally fun are the two copies of Jori En, Ruin Diver and three copies of Pyromancer's Goggles. Todd's was the only such deck in the Top 64, but he did finish fourth, so maybe we will see more. Here's the list:

7 Banned Lands

Eye of Ugin is banned in Modern to the shock and dismay of . . . probably nobody. It joins four of the artifact lands, Dark Depths, and Cloudpost as the seventh land banned in Modern.

Eye of Ugin

9 Toughness

Mark Rosewater revealed why Goldnight Castigator is a 4/9 rather than a 4/10.

4 + 9 = 13

Flavor wins!

Goldnight Castigator


Eye of Ugin is still worth a Benjamin despite the recent banning. It had been steadily dropping from a $50 high over the last couple months, but it is still far above the end-of-2015 price of $5.50.

22% Human

Fourteen of the Top 64 decks at SCG Open Baltimore were Human-based decks. W/U Humans had the most Top 64 finishes (eight), but Kellen Pastore finished second with this Mono-White Humans list.

31% Eldrazi

Not to be outdone by puny Humans, the Eldrazi showed up in force at SCG Baltimore as well. Twenty of the Top 64 decks were Eldrazi-based decks. W/B Eldrazi—an aggressive deck that played cheaper Eldrazi alongside Knight of the White Orchid and Ayli, Eternal Pilgrim, and topping off with Archangel Avacyn—was the most common.

69% Two-colored Decks

Two-colored decks were by far the most popular in the Top 64 at SCG Open Baltimore, with 69%. Only 23% played three colors, and 8% played one color. This is a far cry from what we saw in the mana-perfect days of the Khans of Tarkir/Battle for Zendikar days.

81% White

Shadows over Innistrad Standard has started out very much focused on white mana. Fifty-two out of the Top 64 decks played white. The top four deck archetypes of the tournament—W/B Midrange, Bant Company, W/B Eldrazi, and W/U Humans—all included it. As such, Declaration in Stone was the top card of the tournament, appearing in 67% of the top decks.

300 New Cards

Magic Duels added over three hundred new cards from Oath of the Gatewatch and Shadows over Innistrad in a recent update. Along with the new cards come new skill and story quests, and apparently, some new bugs.

304% Increase

The aforementioned Pyromancer's Goggles made a big price jump as a result of SCG Open Baltimore. It closed in on $13 briefly, before stabilizing at $8.76.

570 Trades

A new set means card traders are hard at work acquiring the singles they want. The most-traded cards in the last week on Puca Trade are, naturally, from Shadows over Innistrad. Declaration in Stone leads the way with five hundred seventy trades. Thing in the Ice (five hundred fifty-five) and Tireless Tracker (five hundred forty) are in hot pursuit.

Those are all the numbers I have for you today. If you also have an affinity for numbers, and have one you think I should share, let me know on Twitter @MrVigabool.

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